
Flexible & documented IT Support


Services That Help You Succeed

Outsource your IT support maintenance to a specialist and get access to remote and onsite assistance.

Information Security

Protect your data from unauthorised access & modifications with reliable policies.

Computer Support

Maintenance & troubleshooting. PC & network configuration, Patch management.

Windows Server

Secure File & Hardware sharing. Set up your Group Policy Objects & WSUS for the latest Windows security updates.

Software Licensing

Support to source the best software solutions to boost your productivity & keep you safe online.

IT Consultancy

Understand your requirements, analysing your IT infrastructure & come up with effective technology solutions.

Remote Support

Reduce downtime. Fast & flexible support provided remotely & securely when you need it.



Cybersecurity refers to the protection of your sensitive data against cyberattacks. In other words, prevent criminals from accessing, altering or even destroying your data.

Protects your business against cyber threats | Reassures your clients | Prevents unauthorised access to your data & network | Quicker data recovery time in the event of an incident | Improved business continuity management.

It is a computer network system (hardware or software) that controls your network traffic. The aim is to protect your network from malicious activity & unauthorised access to your data.

Two-factor/Multi-factor authentication is a security feature for your online accounts. A password & a code are required to access your account. The code is sent on a message or generated with an authenticator app.

It is a process of finding vulnerabilities in devices & networks. When hacking is done unlawfully, the goal is to gain access to your data. It is motivated by financial gain, spying, political activism and even as a hobby for some.

Small businesses are victims of cyber attacks daily. The high costs associated with a data breach can lead to permanent closure. A cybersecurity plan will help protect your business against cyber threats.

A virtual private network (VPN) is a service that protects your internet connection & your online identity by hiding your IP address. It is a secure way to ensure your data is not intercepted by cybercriminals.

A secure sockets layer (SSL) creates an encrypted connection between a server & a browser. Your emails & website typically use a SSL connection to protect the information shared online.

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